Another stay in Cambridge! We arrived here on Wednesday night at about 2 in the AM after a 2 and a half hour train ride from London Gatwick (side note, maybe I haven't traveled in a while or I just never noticed, but aiports have the LONGEST walkways in history, I feel like everywhere we've gone, we've walked 17 miles alone in the airport). When we got to Cambridge, we realized that we had forgotten to print the directions to Leland's friend Dorothy's flat, which held the keys to Leland's apt (he's in Anan, Jordan studying at the moment), and was close to the train station. Even though we had forgotten the directions, thanks to my natural navigational abilities, we found Dorothy's flat. Again, endless generosity and hospitality from these people. It's amazing.
After locating the key and
getting in, we preceeded to basically pass out from the long day. That day had started in Switzerland by visiting my cousin's school, and then touring the town of Olten (pic is by the river throught the town, its of my cousin and myself), where he goes to school (their village is too small to have a high school, and their schools are split up, so he attends the one that prepares him for University). We also had was amazing. We dipped bananas (surprising combo but delicious), pears, and bread, that you dip in Kirsh before the fondue. My aunt insited on taking us to McDonalds there because she thought it would be a ironic way to end our trip, eating an American meal. After saying goodbye at the airport in Basel (which is where Roger Federer is from), we boarded our EasyJet flight, after sneaking past the security people (cause my bag was too big), and flew for England (a video of Err trying to sneak some footage of me is attached at bottom). Please note how embarrassed/aggravated he gets :)
On Thursday morning, we woke up in the afternoon actually, retrieved Leland's key, and
headed to his flat. The weather yesterday was glorious, warm and sunny, so our walk was pleasant. The walk was a little far with our baggage, but it wasn't too bad considering we had done extreme walks before with the same bags in Valencia and Barcelona. After getting to Leland's, we basically put our stuff down and rested haha. Following this bit of rest, we went to the grocery store (which is basically the only one in Cambridge) and bought some food for our next 10 or so days in Cambridge. At about 6, Leland's academy friend came by for a visit, Reggie, and we went with him to watch The Hangover, which by the way was hilarious. Upon returning home, we crashed (being tired from I don't know what). Picture to right is a miniature Coke they sell individually in the grocery store for 20 pence. hilar.
This morning, we woke at an early noon, and preceeded to take a low-key day. Which, by the way, I love. Here it is incredibly easy to sleep late for some reason (we thought it might have something to do with the elevation in Switzerland, or maybe it's still the time, I have no idea). Anyway, in the past few days, we've stayed up late, always fun, and getting up late. (Neither one of us has showered today...Steve hasn't since Wednesday...we sat in pjs for most of the day. It was wonderful. Exactly what a vacation schedule should consist of. What made it much easier is that standard Bristish
weather came through finally, so we had overcast and rain almost all day (pic is of the weather today, from Leland's porch, what a view though), making a slow day a lot easier. This apartment has a huge window in front of the living room that has enabled us to witness many awkward punters, especially today in the rain. The guys that punt for companies seem to not even notice when it's raining, but the tourists: an entirely different story. Some good laughs. Catching up on some news, we watched a bit o' Today Show, saw the greatest pop star of all time had past away (he made thriller), watched a few KOL home videos, old Dane videos (I don't care what haters say, he is the funniest person alive...apparently it's trendy to dislike him) and that our governor is a player (title is from his emails). The title is kind of a joke, but seriously, I felt awkward reading the must be terrible for his wife and sons to have to read that.We also had some good convo with Dave and Leland's friend Bob, who in college interviewed Dave Matthews (this video is hilar, showing how much drugs DMB actually does). The picture is of our dinner: beef and veggie stir fry with noodles. It was delish. Let me tell you a quite typical story: We went to the grocery store (as Stephen previously mentioned) and got enough things to hopefully last us the entire time (and their grocery store has some deals, about 90% of our purchases were under 1 pound-Bargain shoppers!). Anyway, the beef was brisket beef (= cheap). So, last night we made the first half and tonight we finished the rest so it had been put in seal wrap in the fridge overnight. After taking this out, Stephen commented on the grayish color of the meat...already panicking. Then, after cooking it, he commented on how "intense the beef flavor was" to which I returned, "that's second grade beef taste." THEN, he googled "how to tell if beef if bad" and we learned that the signs would be unbelievably obvious if it was (it wasn't...I'm quite sure it was oxidation effects). Needless to say, he's still worrying, at this very moment. He's also commenting on the tap water and if it's, because I'm saying all this, I'll really be sick tomorrow...Anyway, we also had fruity drinks (with ginger ale, flavored water, and fresh strawberries) and double chocolate cookies (the English ovens are difficult to master so some were browned on one half and light on the other).
Tomorrow's agenda is most likely very similar to today, but I think a bit more outside activities are in store. Cheers!
Also, note: We changed the blog so that now anyone can comment, even without a google account (Buster, I expect comments now)! Hooray!
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