Sunday was unusually sunny and warm, being close to 75 degrees all afternoon

That afternoon we stopped at the Cambridge Chophouse for a glass of wine in their quaint outside seating. We read rando English magazines and people watched...very entertaining. The one pictures with the wine glass is Stephen's artistic
claim to fame
(he's sitting beside me still saying how fantastic it is). "The picture speaks for itself, frankly." Anyway, the other pics are some of the interesting sites we saw. Conclusions: kids on a leash make it over here too (Hayley...), when the weather's warm, some people feel free to wear anything, and it's perfectly acceptable to be a true tourist and takes pictures with favorite bartenders
We're making the trek to Madrid tomorrow so it might be a few days before we get back in order. We're leaving here at 5:00 to catch a train...exciting stuff. If you ever come to Cambridge though, Leland is the host to stay with. He plans exciting adventures without being overbearing about getting them done (and he helps us when we're lost or confused too haha). He's fantastic!
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